Shipping options
All items ordered before 10:30am CT will be sent the same day. Items ordered after 10:30am CT will be sent on the following day. Orders placed after 10:30am CT on Friday will be sent on the following Monday.
If you experience any issues with your delivery, please contact us at or on 1-888-959-4788 Monday to Friday 9:00am - 7:00pm EST.
How will I know when my order has
been sent?
As soon as your order is shipped from our warehouse you will be sent an email to confirm that it's on its way.
Once my order has been shipped when
will I receive it?
on your method of shipping, your timing will vary.
Do you charge for shipping?
Yes. Our shipping charges are listed below:
Standard Shipping 3-10 days - FREE
Expedited Shipping 1-5 days - $12.99
FedEx Overnight Shipping - $14.99
Which countries do you deliver to?
We deliver to the United States and US territories.
If in doubt please contact our customer service team at or 1-888-959-4788 Monday to Friday 9:00am - 7:00pm EST.
What do I do if I have not received
my order?
If your order does not arrive within 14 business days, please contact us so that we can investigate with the shipping company.
One of the items is missing from my
order. What do I do?
Sometimes items that are ordered on the same day may arrive to you on different days. We will send you an email to let you know when each item is on its way.